How to Add Family Notes to the Community Comparison

As you compile community options for your client's family, it's sometimes helpful to share specific notes on the community comparison. Here's how you can add those notes:

1) Navigate to your client's Community Options

Note: You will need to have added Potential Matches before any communities will populate here.

  1. Navigate to the Clients module
  2. Choose the client you want to add notes for
  3. Navigate to the Community Options tab

2) Add notes for the family

Note: These notes will only show for this particular client's family. They will not apply to the same community for a separate client.

Within each of the community options you've chosen, there will be a Notes (shared with family) field. You can add notes for any/all of the communities you'd like.

3) View the notes in the Community Comparison

Once you've added your notes, it can be helpful to see what it will look like for your client's family. You can check by doing the following:

  1. Click Comparison Chart

  1. View the notes you addded

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