How to Modify the Client Created Date

By default, a client's Created Date is set for when you added them to Senior Place; however, sometimes the day you add them to Senior Place isn't the actual day you took them on as a client.

Thankfully, it's easy to change the Created Date in Senior Place to represent the most accurate date for your purposes. All you need to do is follow these steps:

1) Navigate to the relevant Client

Find the client whose Created Date you want to edit, and navigate to their profile.

2) Click the Pencil Icon

By the Actions button is a Pencil icon ✏️ which allows you to edit this date.

3) Click the Calendar Icon and Choose a Date

By clicking the Calendar icon 🗓️, you can choose a new, more relevant date for your client.

4) Save your changes

Note: You can always click Revert to original value if you want to reset the date in the future.

After choosing a new date, make sure you click Save.

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