What Community Information Does Senior Place Get For Me?

As you look to build out your Community database in Senior Place, you might have some questions about the specific information we provide for you! Here are answers to some common questions we've heard:

What community information does Senior Place get?

Note: Information obtained varies slightly by State.

We start by going to your state's official licensing source to get a listing of licensed communities. For those communities, we gather the following information (when provided):

  • Community Name
  • Address
  • License Type(s)
  • License Number
  • Administrator Name/Phone
  • Capacity

Will Senior Place add unlicensed communities?

While we don't source unlicensed communities, if you're aware of an unlicensed community you'd like to add to your community database, you can easily do so by following this tutorial.

How often does Senior Place update community information?

We update communities every thirty days so you always have the most up-to-date information.

Will the changes I make be overwritten?

By default, the only time we'll override a change you make is when you remove a community license type that a community has a license for. When we update your database, that license type will be added back in.

If you'd prefer for us to never overwrite your information, even in that niche scenario, let us know, and we'll update the settings in your account.

What if my community information seems wrong?

If you ever notice that the community information we get seems incorrect, don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@seniorplace.io.

We want to ensure your community database is accurate and useful as you provide placement services!

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at support@seniorplace.io!