How to Customize SignWise Request Emails

After creating a couple of SignWise requests, you may find that you want to customize the request email depending on the template. For example, you may want to have one email template for Contract SignWise requests and another email template for Disclosure SignWise requests.

Below we'll cover three ways you can customize your SignWise request emails:

Default SignWise Request Email

Note: Only Administrator users can access Agency Settings.

As discussed in Step 1 of our SignWise tutorial, you can edit your default SignWise request email by navigating to your SignWise Agency Settings. This email template will be the default for any new SignWise templates you create.

Please note that your default signature will be added to request emails, so you don't need to include them here!

Template-Specific Customization

Note: Only Administrators can create SignWise Templates.

This is a great option if you want to create a template-specific email that will always be sent for a specific template, like a contract. See below for instructions on how to set this up:

1) Navigate to the Signature Template you want to customize

  1. Go to your Files module
  2. Click the Signature Template you want to customize
  3. Choose the Signature template option

2) Click Customize in the Email content box

Notice how the default email template (described above) is currently associated with this signature template.

3) Customize the SignWise request email

After updating the email content, anytime you use the template in the future, this will be your new default email!

Please note that your default signature will be added to request emails, so you don't need to include them here!

  1. Choose the Customize email content option
  2. Edit the email Subject (optional)
  3. Edit the email Body (optional)
  4. Click Templates to insert email templates (see this tutorial for more information)
  5. Add email Attachments (optional)
  6. Click Update email content

Request-Specific Customization

If you only want to customize the email in a specific request, this is your best option! Follow these steps to do so:

1) Click New SignWise request in the relevant profile's Files tab

From a Client, Community, or Referral profile, click New SignWise request in the Files tab.

2) Choose the SignWise template you want to use

3) Click Customize in the Email content box

4) Customize your Request email

Please note that your default signature will be added to request emails, so you don't need to include them here!

  1. Choose Customize email content
  2. Edit the Subject (optional)
  3. Edit the Body (optional)
  4. Click Templates to insert email templates (see this tutorial for more information)
  5. Add email Attachments (optional)
  6. Click Update email content

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!