How to Use Email Placeholders

Email placeholders not only save you time but are an excellent way to personalize your emails. Want to start using them? Learn how to do so below:

1) Open the Email Builder in Senior Place

Whether you're in a Community, Client, or Referral Source profile, you can click Actions and Send email to open the email builder. Email Placeholders are available to use anytime the email builder is opened in Senior Place.

2) Click the { } Menu

By choosing the "{ }" menu, you'll gain access to placeholder options.

Pro-Tip: You can use placeholders in Email Templates as well. Learn how to build an Email Template here.

3) Scroll or Search for a Placeholder

Use the search box or scrollbar to find the placeholder you want. In this example, we searched for Name.

4) Choose a Placeholder

Once you click on a placeholder, it will insert it into the email. In the image below, we selected the Preferred Name placeholder, and it inserted Mary.

5) Choose a Fallback

When adding a Placeholder to a Workflow or Email Template, you'll also need to select a Fallback. This is the text that will show if the selected Placeholder doesn't have information in your system. Using a fallback will ensure your emails still look normal even if there isn't data for a Placeholder you've added.

6) Repeat

Placeholders can be used as many times as you want in an email!

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