How to Bulk Add/Remove Ideal Communities

While the process of finding and adding ideal communities for a client is quick and straightforward, we understand that some of you may want to add a specific grouping of communities in a single click rather than one by one.

The tutorial below explains how you can enable and use Bulk Add to provide your clients with the same high level of service, even more quickly:

1) Enable Bulk Add in the Communities Agency Setting

Note: Only Administrator users will have access to this setting.

  1. Navigate to the Settings Cog ⚙️
  2. Choose Settings
  3. Go to the Agency settings tab
  4. Choose Communities
  5. Check the Enable bulk add in "Find Ideal Communities" box

2) Navigate to the Find Ideal Communities tab of Relevant Client

Once Bulk Add is enabled, you can find the change by navigating to the Find Ideal Communities tab of a relevant client.

3) Filter Community Listing

Because there is a 50-community limit on the communities you add to a client's shortlist, the first step to using Bulk Add is to filter down the Communities further. The goal will be to have a list of less than 50 communities that fit your client's needs.

As you can see below, we started with 139 communities, and after filtering by the Community Type, we reduced the results to 20 communities. To learn how to filter the community listing, we'd recommend checking out this tutorial.

4) Click Add all as potential matches

Once you've filtered the list of communities to fit your client's needs, click the Add all as potential matches button.

5) Confirm the Addition of Those Communities

After clicking the Add all as potential matches button, you'll be prompted to confirm the bulk addition of those communities. By clicking Yes, add, the communities will be added to the Community Options tab, but will not be added to the Family View. By clicking Yes, add to family view, the communities will be added to the Community Options tab and to the Family View.

6) Bulk Remove Communities (Optional)

Whether you mistakenly bulk-added communities or simply want to start fresh, you can bulk remove communities by doing the following:

Click Remove all options

  1. Navigate to the Community Options tab
  2. Click Remove all options

Confirm Bulk Remove

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!