How to Create a Report Showing Community Contacts with a Specfic Title

Building strong connections with your communities starts with keeping in touch with the right people at those communities. When you need a report that gives you details about your community contacts, you can easily generate one tailored to your needs. Follow these steps to get started:

1) Navigate to Custom Reports

Note: If you want to learn more about Custom Reporting, check out this tutorial!

  1. Go to the Reports module
  2. Choose the Custom Reports tab

2) Edit and Run the Report

  1. Ensure the Record type is set to Community Contact
  2. Choose Contact Information as your first Condition
  3. Choose Matches Condition Below as your Condition modifier
  4. Choose Title as your second Condition
  5. Choose Contains for the Condition modifier
  6. Type the Title(s) you want to report on
  7. Click Run report

3) Evaluate the Results

After clicking Run report, you'll get a list of all your community contacts that have your selected title. In this case our example shows four community contacts that have "Sales" in their title.

Note: If you want to include any additional columns, you can do so by editing the columns. Learn more about that here.

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