How to Create a Report Showing Your Upcoming Tasks

Staying on top of your tasks and knowing what's coming up can be key to providing seamless service. One way to do this is by reviewing all your tasks that are due this week. If you'd like to get a complete list of everything on your plate, you can easily pull a custom report. Here's how:

1) Navigate to Custom Reports

Note: If you want to learn more about Custom Reporting, check out this tutorial!

  1. Go to the Reports module
  2. Choose the Custom Reports tab

2) Edit and Run the Report

First Step

  1. Ensure the Record type is set to Task
  2. Choose Due Date as the Condition
  3. Choose On or before for the Condition modifier
  4. Choose 1 week from now

Second Step

  1. Choose Add condition

Third Step

  1. Choose Assigned To as the Condition
  2. Choose Is as the Condition modifier
  3. Choose the Senior Place user you would like to report on
  4. Click Run report

3) Evaluate the Results

After clicking Run report, you'll get a list of all tasks that are due for the selected user in the upcoming week.

Note: If you want to include any other columns, you can do so by editing the columns. Learn more about that here.

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