How to Send Community Referrals

After creating a new client, filling out their intake details, and finding ideal communities, you're likely ready to send referrals to the shortlist! To do so, you'll want to follow these steps:

1) Choose Email to Community option

From within the relevant client's profile, do the following:

  1. Click Actions
  2. Choose Email to community

2) Edit Recipients (as needed)

By default, all primary contact email addresses will automatically populate in the community recipients lists. If there is no primary contact email address associated with a community, an error message will display:

To edit and/or view the email recipients, click the Edit recipients button. From there, you can take a few different actions:

  1. Remove an entire community from the email. By clicking the checkmark next to a community name, you can remove that community from the referral email. (optional)
  2. Remove specific recipients. By clicking the "X" next to an email, you can remove individual recipients from the referral email. (optional)
  3. Manually add recipients. You can always manually add recipients by clicking in the "To" row of any community you'd like to add a recipient for. (optional)

3) Edit and Send the Referral Email

Note: The email will be sent separately to each community in your list. They won't know who else you have referred your client to.

Once you've ensured the recipients list is accurate, you can edit and send the referral emails. See below for more details:

  1. Choose an email Subject.
  2. Insert an email and/or signature template. (optional) Learn how to create templates here!
  3. Edit the email body.
  4. Choose whether or not to BCC yourself. This is a great option if you want to receive a copy of the email that the communities will get!
  5. Attach a file. (optional) If you have any relevant files (apart from the Client Intake Form), you can attach them here. Learn more about adding files here.
  6. Choose whether or not to include the Client Intake PDF.
    • For additional Intake PDF options, click Optional Client / Contract Details
    • To further customize what shows up on the Client Intake PDF, see Step 5 of this tutorial.
    • To preview the Client Intake PDF before sending this email, go to your client Actions and choose Download PDF under Client Intake Details (see image below).

  1. For additional email options, click Show advanced options. (optional)
  2. Click Send when you're ready to send the referral.

4) View the Emails you sent

After clicking Send, you'll get a sent confirmation that looks like this:

To see more information about the referral emails you sent, navigate to the Emails Sent tab of the relevant client.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!