How to Create and Send/Log an Invoice

Note: If you haven't set your Payable To information yet, make sure you do that first by following this tutorial.

Whether you want to email your invoices directly from Senior Place or simply want to log the invoice information, you can do so in a few short steps:

1) Navigate to the Invoices tab of the relevant client

Note: To Create an Invoice, you need to ensure you've chosen a Community and Move Date.

2) Click Add Invoice

3) Choose the Invoice Type

  • Log invoice record only - This is the best option if you just want to track the invoice for reporting/completeness purposes in Senior Place. It won't be sent to any other parties.
  • Email PDF Invoice - This is the option to choose if you want the PDF Invoice emailed to the chosen community. Note: Senior Place doesn't process invoice transactions, so you'll need to communicate how the community should pay you.
  • Generate a new PDF invoice - This is the best option if you want to track the invoice in Senior Place and generate a PDF invoice which you can download and send separately.

4) Fill out Invoice Details

  1. Add Basic Details
    1. Status - This will default to Sent; however, you can change it as needed.
    2. Invoice number - Leave this field blank if you want Senior Place to generate an invoice number for you.
    3. Invoice sent date - This date will default to the day on which you're creating the invoice.
    4. Due date - This will default to the number of days you have set in your Agency Invoice Settings.
  2. Itemize the Invoice - By clicking Add Item, you can add as many itemized pieces as you need. Click the Trashcan icon 🗑️ to delete any item(s) you don't need.
  3. Choose whether you want a single or multiple payments. If multiple is chosen, add the relevant details for each payment. Click Add payment to add more than two.
  4. Include Notes (optional) - This is an ideal place to share how you'd like the community to pay you. Another option is to
  5. External Invoice Link - If you use separate accounting software for invoices (like Quickbooks or Wave), you can add an external link here. This will allow you to link that invoice to the logged invoice in Senior Place.

5) Customize the Invoice Email (optional)

Note: This option will only show if you choose the Email PDF Invoice option in Step 3.

6) Send/Save the Invoice

If you're only logging the invoice or generating a PDF, this will say Save instead.

7) View the Invoice in the Invoices tab

After generating or sending the invoice, you'll now see it in the Invoices tab where you can edit, email, or download it as needed.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!