How to Add a Community Contact

Ensuring your Community contacts are up to date can be crucial for making sure referrals are received by the right people in a timely fashion.

To add a community contact, follow the steps below:

1) Navigate to the Communities module

2) Choose the relevant Community

Find and click on the community you'd like to add a contact to.

To learn more about filtering your communities list, give this tutorial a look!

3) Scroll down to the Community contacts section

Within the Community's Details tab, scroll down to the Community contacts section.

4) Click Add Contact

5) Enter Contact Details

  1. Choose whether or not to track the contact as a Referral contact. See this tutorial to learn more.
  2. Add basic information like name and phone number
  3. Choose whether or not the contact should be Primary
    1. Primary - These contacts will automatically be included in referral emails
    2. Non-Primary - These contacts will not automatically be included in referral emails

  1. Click Close to finish creating the contact

6) Edit or Delete Contact (optional)

  • Edit - Click the pencil ✏️ icon to edit contact details
  • Delete - Click the trashcan 🗑️ icon to delete a contact

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!