Task Management Overview

For many, Tasks are an important piece of ensuring necessary placement activities get accomplished. That's why we've integrated tasks into Community, Client, and Referral profiles in addition to having a Task module readily accessible from wherever you are in Senior Place.

In this tutorial, we'll cover the core workflows and features related to Task management in Senior Place:

How to Create a Task

1) Click Create new task

  1. Navigate to the Tasks tab of the relevant Client, Community, or Referral
  2. Click the Create new task button

2) Add Task details

Once you click Create new task, you'll be able to add any relevant details:

  1. Add a Title
  2. Add a Due date and time (if desired)
  3. Add a Task type (if you want to create a Custom task type, follow this tutorial to do so)
  4. Assign the Task (by default it will be assigned to you)
  5. Add relevant Notes (optional)
  6. Click Add Task

How to Complete, Edit, or Delete a Task

From within the Tasks tab of the relevant Client, Community, or Referral, you can Edit, Delete, or Complete a task:

Complete a Task

By clicking the checkbox ✅ next to the task, you will mark it as Completed. Once that is done, it will move from Active tasks to Completed tasks.

Edit a Task

By clicking the pencil icon ✏️ next to a task, you can Edit any necessary fields. Just make sure you click Save afterwards!

Delete a Task

By clicking the trashcan icon 🗑️, you'll be prompted to Delete the task.

Tasks in the Clients Module

Note: Task information shows in all three Clients module views: Pipeline, Move Timeline, and Detail View. The Detail View doesn't include the colored circles, however.

When you're in the Clients module, it can be useful to see the next related task for each client. Here's how to interpret Task information in the Clients module:

  1. Under the client information, you'll see the next Task associated with their profile. You will also see the Due Date (if set).
  2. In the upper corner, you'll also see a colored circle, indicating the urgency of the next task:
    • Gray 🔘 - No next task exists for this client
    • Green 🟢 - Task isn't due in over a week
    • Yellow 🟡 - Task is due within the next week
    • Red 🔴 - Task is due today or is overdue

Task Module Overview

If you want to see a list of All Tasks relevant to your organization, the Task module is the place to go. Here are a few tips for your time there:

  1. Easily filter your Task list by Text, Status, Type, Association, and Assignment
  2. Click the column headers to Sort by a particular column
  3. Red description text indicates that a Task is Overdue
  4. View the task in the associated Client, Community, or Referral by clicking the Blue link text

Add Tasks to your Calendar

If you're interested in having Senior Place tasks sync with your work calendar, follow the instructions provided in this tutorial!

Automatically Add Tasks when Client Status Changes

Note: This feature is only available to Senior Place Premium customers.

If you're interested in creating a Workflow that adds specific tasks when a Client Status changes, follow the instructions provided here!

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at support@seniorplace.io!