How to Know If Your Email Was Delivered

Whether you're sending emails from Gmail, Outlook, or Senior Place, email deliverability can sometimes be confusing. That's why we've added useful features to give you confidence that your Senior Place emails are acting the way you'd expect. Below we'll go over those features and ways you can increase confidence in the messages you send from the platform:

Email Deliverability Icons

When you navigate to the Emails Sent tab of your client, referral, or community, you'll notice icons to the left of each message. Here is what the icons mean:

  • Green Checkmark ✅: This means your email has been confirmed delivered to the recipient's mail server. Note that this doesn't confirm the recipient has read or viewed the message; however, it does give you confidence that the email was passed on to the recipient's email server.
  • Yellow Caution Sign ⚠️: This means your email has bounced. You'll also receive an email notification about the message delivery issue. When this happens, there are a few recommended actions:
    • Check the email address: Ensure the email address is correct. If there are no obvious typos, it could be worth running the email address through an email verifier (there are plenty of free verifiers online). In some instances, the email address is nonexistent or has other issues.
    • Try sending the message again: Sometimes a bounce occurs when a recipient's mailbox is full or temporarily down. By attempting the email again, you may find that it will get delivered.
    • Request to be whitelisted: In some cases, emails bounce because your email address has been marked as spam by the recipient's mail server. To help prevent this from happening, you can request that the recipient add your email address to a whitelist.
  • Red Caution Sign 🔺: This means your email was sent to an invalid email address. In the example above, you can see that there are two "@" symbols in the address, causing it to be invalid.
  • No Icon: If there is no icon, that means the email is currently in the delivery process. You should see one of the other three icons show up fairly soon.

Email and Link Tracking

Note: Email and Link Tracking is currently only available in our Premium package.

While the icons described above help inform any deliverability issues, they don't show if a recipient has opened your email or link. That's why we added Email and Link Tracking for Senior Place Premium customers!

To see how many times an email and link (if applicable) have been opened, simply navigate to the Messages tab of your client, community, or referral, and look for the Times Opened and Links Clicked columns.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!