How to Add a Custom Referral Field

Note: Only Administrator users have the ability to add Custom Referral Fields.

While we include the ability to track core referral contact/organization information in Senior Place, we understand that you may want to track additional information as well. That's why we provide the ability to add custom fields for referral contacts and organizations!

The following steps walk through the process of creating those fields:

1) Navigate to the Referrals > Agency Setting

  1. Click the Settings Cog ⚙️
  2. Choose Settings
  3. Navigate to the Agency settings tab
  4. Choose Referrals

2) Click Create custom field

Choose whether you want to add a custom field for organizations or contacts and then click the related Create custom field button.

3) Customize the field

In this example, we're creating a custom field where we can store our referral contact's LinkedIn profile. In your situation, a number of settings, from the Field type to Title may look slightly different.

  1. Add a field Title
  2. Choose the Field type
  3. Edit additional options (these may look different depending on the field type you chose)
  4. Click Save

4) Define the Field Layout

After creating the custom field, you'll need to determine which section it will show under. You can display your custom field in the Contact/Organization Information or Other Details section. Follow these steps to determine the custom field layout:

  1. Click the Add field button in the relevant section (either the Contact/Organization Information or Other Details section)
  2. Click the dropdown to choose the custom field you want to add.
  3. Use the "" symbol to reorder custom fields (optional)
  4. Click the trashcan icon 🗑️ to delete any custom fields you don't want to see (optional)

5) View the custom field

Now that you've finalized the layout, you can look in a Referral Contact or Organization profile to see how it looks! In this case, we can see the LinkedIn field is in the Other Details section as intended.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!