Workflows: How to Automatically Create a Task to Re-Engage with a Client

Note: Workflows are only available to Senior Place Premium customers.

One of the most time-consuming jobs is ensuring you're re-engaging with clients where the line of communication has gone cold.

This Workflow helps you keep track of those clients without needing to manually check them regularly! Follow the steps below to set up your first Re-Engage Workflow:

1) Navigate to Agency Settings > Workflows

  1. Click the Settings Cog ⚙️
  2. Choose Settings
  3. Navigate to Agency Settings
  4. Click Workflows

2) Click Create Workflow

3) Create the Workflow

  1. Choose Client re-engagement task
  2. Edit the Name and Description (optional)
  3. Click Create workflow

4) Edit the Workflow

  1. This notice will only show up if per-recipient tracking isn't configured for your company. If you see this notice, we'd highly recommend reaching out to us at to get per-recipient tracking set up before publishing this workflow.
  2. Client status filter - If you only want re-engagement tasks to be created for clients in specific statuses, add those statuses to this box. If you want re-engagement tasks to trigger for all statuses, leave this blank.
  3. Inactivity threshold (days) - This threshold will be used to determine how soon the workflow will trigger. This workflow will only trigger when a client is in a specific status (see #2 above), has opened an email, and both of the following inactivity thresholds are met:
    • It’s been X days since an email for that client has been opened
    • It’s been X days since an email on that client was sent
  4. Task description - If you'd like to edit the task description, you can do so here. Please note that the {{}} text will convert to the actual Client's name when the task is created. For example, if the Workflow is triggered for John Smith, the description would read "Follow-up with re-engaged client John Smith".
  5. Assign Task to - If you'd like these tasks to always be assigned to a specific user, choose that user here; however, if you'd like the task to be assigned to whoever the client is assigned to, leave this dropdown blank.
  6. Task type - Choose the Task Type for the created task. Custom Task Types can also be used here. (optional)
  7. Notify task owner - Check this box if you'd like the task owner to receive an email notification when the Task is created.

5) Publish the Workflow

When you're ready to enact the Workflow, click Publish Workflow. If you'd prefer to leave it as a Draft, simply exit the page without clicking Publish Workflow.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!