Administrator Basics: Core Settings to Review in Senior Place

Note: This tutorial is only relevant to Administrator users in Senior Place.

Now that you've Mastered the Senior Place Basics, there are a few additional settings we'd recommend perusing as an Administrator user in the platform.

How to Add a User

As your agency grows, you'll need to know how to add a new user to Senior Place. Luckily, the process is quick and easy.

How to Deactivate a User

On occasion, you may find that deactivating a user is necessary. When that's the case, this tutorial will explain how that can be done.

How to Set Invoice Payable To Information

Before sending invoices out of Senior Place, you'll want to ensure your Payable To information is set.

How to Customize Community Comparisons

Want to ensure only relevant community information is shared with your clients? This tutorial explains how to customize Community Comparisons to fit your agency's needs.

How to Customize Client Intake PDFs

You'll likely want to customize Client Intake PDFs (the attached document on referral emails) to ensure communities only receive relevant client information. This tutorial walks through the levels of customization you can make for your agency.

Learn How to Create and Send a SignWise Request

When you're ready to send contract and/or disclosure documents for eSignature, this is the best place to start.

How to Add and Edit Custom Fields

If you're looking to add new or edit existing fields on the Client Intake tab or Community Attributes page, this is the tutorial to check out! Please note that this is an advanced setting, so if you experience any issues or want assistance, don't hesitate to let us know at

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!