Master the Basics: Top Tutorials for New Users

While Senior Place has been designed to be quick to learn and easy to use, we understand that it can feel overwhelming at first glance! That's why we've put together a list of nine must-view tutorials to get you started on the path to success!

The links below with take you to each topic's related tutorial:

How to Change Your Password

Especially if it's your first time logging in, we'd recommend updating your password to one you'll remember!

How to Update Your Display Name

Your display name impacts everything from Client assignment to how your name shows up on documents sent to clients and communities!

How to Use Senior Place on Your Mobile Device

If you'd like to use Senior Place on your phone or tablet, check out the tutorial below that matches your device's operating system:

How to Add a New Client

It's basic but extremely important to learn.

How to Update a Client's Status

Tracking a client's status is fundamental to maintaining an organized pipeline. This tutorial explains two ways to adjust a client's status.

How to Find and Add Ideal Communities for a Client

Ready to add communities to your client's shortlist? This tutorial will walk you through the process.

How to Send Community Referrals

Now that you've added communities to your client's shortlist, let's look at how to send those community referrals.

How to Email Community Comparisons to Clients

Now that you've sent out the community referrals, it's time to share community options with your client!

How to Create and Send/Log an Invoice

Once your client has moved, it's time to send or log the referral invoice.

What's Next?

At this point you have the basics down; however, there's always more to learn and explore!

Here are a few additional resources at your disposal:

  • Knowledgebase - You've already looked at several tutorials, but there are plenty more to read/watch! If you're an Administrator user, we'd recommend checking this tutorial out next.
  • Support - Have a specific question that isn't answered on a tutorial? Reach out to our Support team by messaging them at They'd love to help.
  • Training - Sometimes scheduling a training session is the best way to get your questions answered and learn more about the platform. If you're interested in scheduling a training session, let our team know at

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at!