Workflows: How to Automatically Send a Move-In Follow-Up Email

Note: This feature is only available for Senior Place Premium subscriptions and Administrator users.

After a client moves, you may still want to check in on them, follow up with the best contact, or even ask the chosen community how your client is doing. With this Workflow, you can have those emails automatically sent.

Follow these steps to set up a Move-in Follow-up Workflow:

1) Navigate to Workflow settings

  1. Click the Settings Cog
  2. Choose the Settings option
  3. Choose the Agency settings tab
  4. Choose Workflows

2) Create a new Workflow

Click the Create workflow button to create a new workflow.

3) Configure the new Workflow

  1. Choose Move-in follow-up email
  2. Edit the Name and Description (optional)
  3. Click Create workflow

4) Customize the Workflow

  1. Set the Client status filter. These status(es) are the only ones that will allow the Workflow to run. For the Workflow to trigger, the following two things need to happen:
    1. The client needs to be in one of the defined status(es)
    2. Their Move Date must be set
  2. Choose who the Recipient(s) will be.
  3. Build the email Subject and Body. Note that you can use Placeholders to personalize your emails further.
  4. Attach file(s) (optional)
  5. Choose whether or not the sender will be BCC'd on the emails.
  6. Determine how many days after the Move Date the email will automatically be sent.
  7. Click Publish workflow

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