What Can Senior Place Premium Do for Me?

Senior Place's standard package includes everything you need to manage the placement processes; however, for those of you who are looking to take your placement business a step further, Senior Place Premium might be for you!

Let's dig into some of the top features Senior Place Premium includes:

Automated Workflows

Have you ever wondered if there's a way to offload the work of creating recurring emails or tasks? Workflows enable you to do just that. All you need to do is set up the initial Workflow automation - after that, you can use the countless hours you save for higher-priority work!

Here are eight types of Workflows you can create:

As you can imagine, Workflows have numerous possible uses - the great news is that you can create an unlimited number of them!

Knowing that your clients, referrals, and communities open your emails and links can be valuable knowledge when it comes to running your placement business! That's why we've added per-recipient email and link open tracking for Senior Place Premium Customers.

Customizable Client Statuses

With Premium, you can customize Client Statuses to fit the exact wording, order, and situations your agency has. In the image above, you can see the Custom Status we added after New.

Custom User Permissions

For those of you who want more control over your user permission levels, Senior Place Premium allows for Custom user permissions. This gives you more granular control over the access that each of your users has in Senior Place.

Unlimited SignWise Templates

While the two SignWise templates* that are included in our core package work for many of our customers, you may find that you need three, four, or even ten SignWise templates to support the work you do!

If that's you, Senior Place Premium enables you to create unlimited SignWise templates.

*Templates refer to the signature template you create before sending it to a client, community, or referral. This could be a contract, disclosure agreement, NDA, or something else entirely.

Custom Hosted Intake Form

Senior Place's core package includes hosted intake forms; however, they are limited to the default fields. With Senior Place Premium, you can customize the hosted intake form to your heart's content!

Unlimited Saved Custom Reports

In Senior Place's core package, every user can save a single Custom Report; however, with Senior Place Premium, you can save as many Custom Reports as you'd like! Rather than take the time to rebuild the report you need, you can simply create it once and save it for future use.

Custom Report Downloading & Scheduling

Along with unlimited saved Custom Reports, with Premium, you can easily Download Custom Report results and Schedule them to be sent out to you or your team on a regular basis. This is a great way to ensure important reports are timely and never get forgotten.


With our Direct QuickBooks Online (QBO) integration, your team can more effectively keep Senior Place and QBO invoice records in sync, further reducing the need for invoice review and the chance of duplicate entries.

Additionally, you can connect indirectly with a variety of other applications through Zapier!

How do I get started?

If you're interested in seeing a live demo of Senior Place Premium features or would like to try them yourself for a limited period, let us know by emailing support@seniorplace.io!

Will Senior Place Premium continue to get more features?

Yes! We're dedicated to building valuable features for our core package as well as Premium. Whether you choose to get Premium or not, you can rest assured that you won't be left out.😁

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at support@seniorplace.io!