Where to Start When Upgrading to Premium

As you've already learned, Premium has plenty to offer in terms of time-savings, efficiency, value addition, and stress reduction, but once you upgrade, where's the best place to start?

Below are some of the initial changes we recommend checking out and the time investment you'll need to get them set up:

Customize Client Statuses (~5 mins)

One of the most rewarding changes you can make with Premium is to customize your Client Statuses. Even if it's simply to change a Status icon, it's worth spending five minutes to make that update.

Set up your first Workflow (~10 min)

Workflow automations have the greatest potential to save your team time and enable you to provide even better service to your customers. There are currently eight types of Workflows (see below) and nearly endless ways to use them, so where should you start?

If you're unsure about what type of Workflow to begin with, we'd recommend setting up a Task-type Workflow like this one.

Make Use of Unlimited SignWise Templates (~10 min)

Whether you're currently using SignWise or not, we'd recommend considering how your team might be able to utilize unlimited SignWise templates. Do you want to set up more nuanced contracts or specific client disclosures? You can now do so with no limits!

Save and Schedule a Recurring Custom Report (~5 min)

With Premium, you not only unlocked unlimited saved Custom Reports, but you can now schedule those saved reports to be sent to you and your team regularly.

Ready to get that set up? Check out Steps 9-10 on this tutorial.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us at support@seniorplace.io!